Monotype Fonts in Canva

Monotype Font List in Canva

As a Font-a-holic, I am always searching for the perfect font to create my designs. So, you can imagine the happy dance I did when Monotype partnered up with Canva to add 1,100 new fonts to Canva’s library.

It’s a large task to go searching through the entire font library, so I’ve compiled some of my favorite Monotype fonts here for you! Every font listed here is available on the free version of Canva. Of course, there are also a TON of Monotype fonts available on the Pro version of Canva. If you still haven’t taken the leap to Pro, you can try my affiliate link here and test it out 45 days for free!

Now to the good stuff!

  1. Akzidenz

  2. Caslon

  3. AR Mincho

  4. Cooper BT

  5. Cotoris

  6. Futura

  7. Gotham

  8. Engravers’ Old English

  9. Neo Contact

  10. Trend Sans

  11. Bauer Bodoni

  12. Century Gothic

  13. Copperplate

  14. Dillenia UPC

  15. Helvetica

  16. ITC Motter

  17. Princetown

  18. Proxima Nova

  19. Dynamo

  20. ITC Edwardian

Monotype Fonts in Canva
Monotype Fonts in Canva

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